“Wherever there is a child there is curiosity and wherever there is curiosity there is science.”




Research has shown that developing science process skills in pre-schoolers helps them achieve better learning outcomes while also making the science subjects more approachable as they grow into their schooling years. Many attempts at doing this have had the educators focus on imparting factual knowledge about the sciences as opposed to the development of science process skills. This has led to another significant obstacle wherein educators feel that scientific knowledge is better imparted by experts and so ignore it until the child reaches their schooling years.

Thinkerables addresses these issues through a platform for educators and pre-schoolers that uses engaging narratives, performative experiments and drama to enable the development of science process skills from an early age.

Science becomes play for future problem-solvers!


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Science education has become a lot about conveying facts to children as opposed to letting the children rediscover these facts for themselves. These facts are associated with a certain level of complexity and science is not introduced to young children until they are of a school-going age. At Thinkerables we use the imaginative potential of young children to introduce them to the marvellous world of science.



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